About Diversity PR
Thanks for coming to look at Diversity PR!
If you’re after 2-4 days of PR support a month for your organisation, have maybe tried a few marketing agencies before and are looking for a more personal, more responsive PR professional, get in touch.
For many organisations hiring me is a great way to add some PR capacity to their team without the extra cost of recruiting a new member of staff.
How I work
At Diversity PR, you’ll always deal with me, Richard Byrne.
You can see a bit more about me below and see the kind of coverage I achieve for my clients on my news page. I only take on clients whose work interests me and who I know I can do a great job for.
I will ask you lots of questions and will want to talk to you a lot when we first start! I take a keen interest in the people and organisations I work with, the issues that affect them and how PR can help with their aims. Once we get started I am good to crack on and work independently but you’ll find me very responsive- you’ll always be able to get hold of me quickly- usually the same day.
I usually meet with my clients in person or online once every month or two so we can check how our plans are going and get updates about what’s coming up.
Most of my work is with organisations working in health and wellbeing, I also have a long history working in disability, education and migration. I’m never averse to exploring something new if it interests me and I love a quirky story- take a look at “The Worst Record Covers In The World ” for example !
I’m used to working with people with sensitive stories. I explore carefully with them how much of their story they want to share, what to include and what to leave out. I support them to establish boundaries when dealing with journalists and can usually be present for interviews and filming.
Diversity PR is based in West Yorkshire, but I work with people all over the UK, pitching stories nationally and locally. I know my way around the local media landscape, so can quickly find my way to local news outlets wherever you are.

About me
I’m Richard Byrne. I have over 10 years experience of successfully landing stories in national, international, digital and local media.
I have given interviews myself on BBC Radio 5, Radio 4, BBC News 24, Sky TV and local TV and radio. So if I shove you in front of a microphone, unless it’s The Today Program, I’ve probably been there myself at some point.
Born in London, to an Irish working class background, I was able to go to University and have “done alright”. For a few years I pitched stories for peace and social justice groups in London and for 5 years I was Regional Media Officer for the Refugee Council in Yorkshire and Humberside.
While my kids were little I worked in primary education focussed particularly on communication issues and disability.
In 2021 I launched Diversity PR and have had enormous fun since then!
I love meeting people and relish the opportunity to pitch media opportunities with a strong personal story. I’ve reliably landed impactful coverage for my clients in national and local media. My favourite response from a journalists begins “We love this!”

This is Scarlett, the latest addition to my team, she joined me in August 2023 as a rescue . She’s much cuter than me and is very good for getting me out in fresh air and nature. She can attend meetings for no extra fee but we don’t usually wear ties in Diversity PR.